Sunday, August 23, 2009
Nick Update #2
HOWEVER I have successfully made 10:00 pm my bedtime, and I now know a successful way to get up and kick my ass into exercising, AND I'm eating better, too. So now all I have to do is pick up my routine and stick with it.
I think the scale said 229.2 or something, so I almost lost a whole pound, haha! HOORAY FOR ME!! But physically I feel AWESOME. I have loads of energy and I don't struggle with myself to exercise anymore. I just haven't because I've been busy incorporating all this new stuff into my consciousness that exploded onto me without warning. Basically, I'm a wizard, and crazy stuff happens to us wizards. Seriously.
Back to the eating thing; eating has become totally frickin' awesome. I don't need to eat as much anymore, and I enjoy the process a lot more, too. This is a result of that crazy magical explosion I mentioned a paragraph ago. Food has more taste, more flavor and feeling, and I'm able to stop eating right when my body has had enough. It's pretty damned sweet.
Also, I'm sleeping a whole lot better, too. I can lay down and peacefully close my eyes and doze off like a baby. I don't think I've ever enjoyed sleeping so much.
So yes! Things are going wonderful, I'll update in another week with more success. Until then!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Long overdo Nick Update #1
So some(all) may have been wondering: where in the name of almighty hell is Nick?
Well I am now here, laying my blessing upon ye with mine magical and mighty words. Basically, I injured a part of my foot while playing with my dog. While running past the metal legs of my desk here, I smashed my little toe into one of the very hard, very metal legs. I either broke a part of my foot, or fractured it. I don't know, I didn't go to a doctor. I just decided to wait till it healed up.
Now you may not think that's a big deal, but 90% of my exercises require my feet to be in vigorous use, and 99% of them require me to be standing. So yeah it pretty much put a hamper on the whole thing.
Now I am back in business, and with an added twist that will make my exercises much more beneficial.
My old routine consisted of me simply doing each of my exercises once per day. So for instance, my hindu squats, my plan was to do 30 of them for a week, then increase it to 40 for a week, then 50 for a week. And if I felt like I needed more time, I could do 40 for two weeks or something.
This is something I've done before, and it didn't work out too well. It was basically like my legs weren't improving in strength enough, or fast enough, to consistently increase my reps. Not knowing a better way though, I decided to try it again and see if I could modify it along the way if some inspiration struck me.
However, I came upon a wonderful tidbit of an exercise tip. And that tip was to do your exercises TWICE per day. To do a set of reps that you can handle, twice a day. The idea of this is to double the amount of reps you can handle, instead of doing it all at once. It tricks your body into improving and strengthening faster and more effectively. So for instance, I would do 30 squats in the morning, then 30 in the afternoon, for a total of 60 squats. Much better than 30! So by the end of the week, my legs will have a much better workout, increasing the speed and quality of their growth. So when I start doing 40 at once, I'll be doing a total of 80, and then 50, for a total of 100. By the time I can do 100 squats in a row I'll really be doing 200! It's pretty awesome. Oh and if you think that's a lot, this one guy named Karl Gotch, who was known as "The God of Wrestling" in Japan, did 9000 squats in a row. It took him four hours.
Anyways, I'll be using this for other exercises as well. My pushups, my bridging, and so on and so forth.
So yes, I'm back in business! Expect more posts from me more often from now on.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mai Update #1
Todays weigh-in: 189.4 @ 7:32am
I've been trying to not forget to update this place. Mostly because I've been working so hard at the different research centers I'm interning at. And plus of the stresses of financing college. Apparently the State of California increased CSU tuition and basically, I fucking freaked out.
ANYWAY. I'll save the details for the "personal" blog.
Well, I really wanted to start on August 1st. But I'm still new to this whole dedication stuff, so I've been having a hard time. I decided to postpone my juice fasts because it's definitely difficult to do while working full-time. There were many times were I felt faint, so I quit Tuesday evening. (Yeah, yeah, Nick's right.)
However, I have been trying to eat sensible. Handful of food in the morning for breakfast (this past week, it has been fruit snacks and juice boxes...terrible w/sugar). But I quit those today. I have also been doing 15minutes of running/jogging in-place every night before bed
(OK OK--every other night). As well as circuit ab exercises for 30 minutes.
My trick is to not count the reps as it makes me dread it quicker, but to instead listen to music and switch up exercises at the end of each track. So I guess I'm doing each exercises for 3 to 5 minutes.
My ab exercises includes Nick's stomach vacuum and whatever else he wrote for me that I can't remember, lol. And a Youtube video I found before the diet. I love this guy and his exercises have me feeling the "burn" in my stomach within 15 reps:
It's really hard to stay motivated when you're doing this alone and everyone around you eats shit and is already at a healthy weight. I really wish I had someone who was physically here to do it with me to push... :(
Anyhow, I wondered about when is a good time to weigh-in
*sigh* Motivate me!The key point however when it comes to weighing yourself is that you do it at the same time everyday and ideally with the same set of circumstances before hand. This is why most people tend to weigh themeselves first thing in the morning because it’s normally the same time and same set of circumstances (i.e no food/fluid intake has occurred).
If you weigh yourself at any stage later in the day you are likely to get inconsistent readings due to different levels of food and fluids in your body and the amounf of energy you have burnt. However, you should chose a time to always weigh yourself. I always weigh in the morning after going to the bathroom.
During the night the body enters a fasting period where our kidneys filter waste and the digestive system works throughout. Because our bodies are in a state of rest, the heart doesn’t have to pump as fast or any extra and the kidneys can efficiently move unwanted water into the bladder. This means that in the morning we dont have extra water and bulked up blood in your system and it is also why in general most people feel the urge to go to the bathroom as soon as they wake. Hence this is also why weighing yourself in the morning may be the best time to do it.